Many times people that are getting a divorce can work out the terms of their divorce and do not want to go through protracted litigation. In those cases the parties will still be required to file financial affidavits disclosing their income and assets and they will have to provide mandatory disclosure by providing copies of tax returns, paystubs, credit card statements, bank statements, retirement account statements, etc. Once they have provided the required financial information they can enter into a Martial Settlement Agreement if it is a divorce or a Parenting Plan if it is a paternity case. If there are children and it is a divorce they will need both a Marital Settlement Agreement and a Parenting Plan. If there are minor children involved the parties will also need to fill out a Child Support Guidelines Worksheet. Once all these document shave been executed one of the parties will file the case with the Court and tell the Court that the parties have reached a complete agreement as to all their issues. The other party will file with the Court agreeing that they have settled all their issues and the Court will issue a Final Judgment.